Elementary Structure and Function of Ear
Elementary Structure and Function of Ear: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Ears, Tympanic Membrane, Organ of Corti, Ear Bones, Internal Ear, Functions of Ear, Middle Ear, Structure of Human Ear, Olfactory Bulbs, External Auditory Canal, Diseases of Ear, Mechanism of Hearing and, External Ear
Important Questions on Elementary Structure and Function of Ear
Maculae (projecting ridge) involved in static equilibrium and are located in the:
The membrane that gives us the ability to discriminate different pitches of sound is the
At the time of flight, the pain in the ear is due to
Helicotrema connects
The ability to hear often decreases with age because
An essential part of human ear which has no role in hearing is
Select the incorrectly matched pair w.r.t. structure of ear and its function/feature.
Above the rows of hair cells in cochlea is a thin elastic membrane called
Choose the membrane from the options given below which separates scala media and scala tympani of the cochlea.
The hair cells present on the crista ampullaris recieve the stimuli of
The components of the vestibular apparatus are
The stereo cilia are projected from which part of the hair cell?
The scala vestibuli ends at the _____, while the scala tympani terminates at the ___. Find the correct option.
The lower membrane of the scala vestibuli is the
The membranous labyrinth is surrounded by a fluid called
Which of the following is the function of ear ossicles?
The Eustachian tube connects ___ with the ___.
Structure which does not participate in hearing is
Which of the following is mismatched?
Even in complete darkness. We are able to maintain posture and equilibrium of our body with the help of